• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Japan Subculture Research Center

A guide to the Japanese underworld, Japanese pop-culture, yakuza and everything dark under the sun.

TEPCO's "Severe Accident Manual" Takes On Barcode Hairstyle

ByStephanie Nakajima

Sep 17, 2011

The House of Representatives Special Committee on Promotion of Science and Technology and Innovation had requested TEPCO submit two operating manuals: one for accidents, and one for severe accidents.

On September 12th, 3 copies of the document, which included only the front binding and the table of contents, were passed out to the committee. Of approximately 50 lines of text, all but 2 had been blacked out.  In an additional gesture of complete paranoia, the documents were collected from the committee before the meeting adjourned.

Under the laws that govern nuclear power in Japan, The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) has requested that TEPCO submit the documents to the committee in full.

When asked why so much of the document was redacted, TEPCO invoked intellectual property rights and concern over protection of nuclear materials.

Jake’s note: The weekly magazine 週刊ポスト (09/30号) speculates that the redacted paragraphs have to do with a cover-up of the earthquake damage to the reactors and TEPCO prioritization of saving the reactors rather than preventing disaster,  which may have started the meltdown in one of the reactors BEFORE the tsunami arrived. They make a convincing case.

While the document remains shrouded in mystery, fortunately, through the help of Hugh Ashton, Stephanie, and our crack team of investigative journalists, we were able to get ahold of the original document and translate it into English. However, for national security reasons we have left some of it redacted. Here it is:

The TEPCO Severe Accident Manual, translated into English. (Note: this is a parody and not the real manual which is probably much more funny, albeit unintentionally.)

Stephanie Nakajima

Contrarian philosopher, half-woman, half-Japanese, all dolphin.

2 thoughts on “TEPCO's "Severe Accident Manual" Takes On Barcode Hairstyle”
  1. All you can read is about 10 or so lines according to citing Kyodo News 9 7 2011 .TEPCO submitted the 12-page document as requested by a Lower House committee concerning the emergency operation procedure at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.Following the it was a formal request from the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency to pay close attention to the Physical Protection TEPCO blacked out almost all of the information resulting in the document as you see in the picture.According to TEPCOs Matsumoto it was part of the document that was blacked. I suppose 99 is still considered part .Needless to say the committee chairman is not very happy and requested that TEPCO re-submit the document.The committee requested the information on emergency procedure from TEPCO as the allegation that manually stopping the IC emergency cooling system may have caused the meltdown in Reactor 1 blaming the worker.I personally dont buy that allegation particularly when they say it was a mistake by the worker .

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