90 Million Yen Settlement for “Women’s Trouble” continues with Nakai Masahiro Losing His Shows
By Tori H. Tale In the December 19th edition of Josei Seven, it was reported that 90 million yen was paid by Nakai Masahiro in a settlement awarded to a…
Emperor Nabetsune Has Passed Away: The Yomiuri Shogun is gone
by Robert Whiting I read with sadness of the passing of Tsuneo Watnabe, the long time shogun of the Yomiuri group, which publishes the Yomiuri Shinbun–(editor note: and also owns…
Is there space on shelves for foreign authors? Book industry professionals give tentative encouragement
Japan is the second largest market for publishing books in the world — a fact that probably comes as no surprise to people living in Japan who only need to…
Japanese Spies, Hollywood Stars and Pearl Harbor
By Ronald Drabkin It’s been a long and unexpected journey—from the moment I discovered my father had been a spy, to seeing my nonfiction book, Rutland, Omae wa Dare Da,…
故安倍晋三元首相の罪悪: 使途不明金、失敗した経済政策、そして旧統一教会との関係が彼の党を追い詰めた。
Election Update: Japan’s Ruling Party Looks Likely to Lose Majority and finds out karma is a bitch.
As the ballots trickle in from Japan’s general election, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) —which is infamously neither liberal nor democratic–is having the kind of night you wouldn’t wish…
The elections in Japan 101 : regime change or LDP 🎉 party
Imagine Japan as a stage and the LDP as the lead actor, playing the same role since 1955, almost like a Broadway star who refuses to age out of their…
The Real-Life Kamurochō: A Yakuza History Lesson with Tokyo Noir’s Jake Adelstein
The Real-Life Kamurochō: A Yakuza History Lesson with Tokyo Vice’s Jake Adelstein We explore Tokyo’s Kabukicho, the inspiration behind the central setting of the series formerly known as Yakuza. (originally…
How a sumo tournament led to the downfall of the yakuza
The yakuza, Japan’s infamous organised crime syndicates, have gone into a death spiral in recent years and Jake Adelstein says it is partly due to an incident at a sumo…
Tokyo Vice Vice-O-Pedia: Nuclear workers (原発作業員)
The Japanese underworld thrives beneath the surface, weaving a subterranean society that infiltrates every corner of Japanese life. The Yakuza, Japan’s infamous mafia, proudly upholds age-old structures and rituals tracing…