Japan has always believed that spoken words had a certain power, almost magical power. Thus, the word “to curse” aka 呪う (norou/呪う) has a mouth 口 as part of the kanji, as in intoning a prayer or curse and the 兄 part symbolizes a priest at the altar, or someone praying at a shrine. All together, the word means to wish something happens to an individual via magic, with the effect being good, bad or neutral but usually bad as in 呪い殺す (のろいころす) literally, to curse someone to death.
All of this brings us to this week’s fascinating book: 呪術(じゅじゅつ)の本 .
It an illustrated history and textbook of cursing people and magic in Japan. You can learn how to make a Japanese voodoo doll, banish bad luck, tell the future, and stop a lover from being unfaithful (via pickled cuttlefish) by making them impotent.
In the pages, you’ll learn how to ward off evil. Revive the dead. Cast a love spell.
The book is lavishly designed with furigana for the difficult kanji. So for the 日本語 novice, it’s a great way to learn difficult Japanese and rule the world.
Just remember this proverb: 人を呪わば穴二つ(ひとを のろわば あな ふたつ)「When you curse someone, dig two graves」The meaning? Even magic can’t transcend karma, so before wishing ill on someone, remember that you get back what you put out there.
The book is sadly out of print but you can find used copies, if you’re lucky…
or unlucky? Use with caution.