Japanese study finds positive correlation between BCG vaccine and slowing down Coronavirus
Just published our preprint, “Association of BCG vaccination policy with prevalence and mortality of COVID-19”. We critically evaluated the hypothesis that BCG vaccination has protective effect against #COVID19, and our…
The most terrifying J-horror film ever made. The people vs Prime Minister Abe Shinzo during the coronavirus.
【あかりちゃん】【VSコロナ】 お気持ちがワチャワチャしたので動画作ったお🙌 コロナ大変だよね😢みんなちゃんと手洗ってる⁉️👏👏 歌声と可愛いワンちゃんで🐶癒やされてネ😉 Youtube→https://t.co/qsTcQeg0aD#うちで躍ろう#うちで踊らせろ#自粛と給付はセットだろ #自粛と補償はセットだろ pic.twitter.com/ZkBEMNj2ew — あかりちゃん😷 (@oshieteakari) April 14, 2020
The mysterious conspiracy theory that explains Japan’s response to COVID-19…..or does it?
Japan's response to the coronavirus has been inept, slow and dangerous. But what if there was a method to the madness? One man has a theory that explains why Japan…