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Japan Subculture Research Center

A guide to the Japanese underworld, Japanese pop-culture, yakuza and everything dark under the sun.

Month: August 2009

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  • Marijuana (大麻) in Japan:Don't Smoke More Than You Can Eat

Marijuana (大麻) in Japan:Don't Smoke More Than You Can Eat

Unlike speed (覚醒剤)it's not a crime to use it, only to possess it

Hosts and Hostesses: Some thoughts on Hiroko Tabuchi's great article

Tabuchi-san wrote an interesting piece about the resurgent popularity of hostess jobs in Japan in the New York Times last week. I contributed a commentary to the debate blog about…

Yakuza Superstitions #1

When a yakuza sees a hearse (霊柩車/reikyusha) coming towards him in traffic, he’ll often put down the cell-phone which he has semi-permanently attached to his ear, and hides his thumb…