This is year 2 for TokyoComicCon!
“What started as the Golden State Comic Book Convention in 1970, Comic Con today is an event encompassing technology and pop culture. The San Diego Comic-Con (U.S.) is a huge annual event in early July, attracting more than 130,000 visitors by showcasing large range of elements; comics, animation, games, and movies.”–Tokyo Comic Con 2017
Last year, On December 2016, the event made its way here as Tokyo Comic Con 2016. The organizers state that: “In close relation to ‘Silicon Valley Comic Con’ organized by Woz, Tokyo Comic Con is a festival celebrating Japanese and American pop culture, while keeping its genetic American style foundation. Unlike other existing comic, film, animation festivals or game shows, this is a place where everyone can share and enjoy the revolutionary and enthusiastic experience.”
Well, whether it’s a revolutionary experience or not depends on you, but so far it has been quite fun.
There is an interesting mish-mash of Japanese and American comic books, displays of Batman figures, the Justice League, Tokyo Ghoul, Star Wars booths galore. You can be photographed with Darth Vader, experience using “The Force”, hold the heavy guns from Bio Hazard aka Resident Evil. And on the first day, a Friday (December 1st), there was already a motley crew of cos-players livening up the event. Not to mention, the free pinball machines. Ghostbusters! Star Wars!
Cosplayer, Kaia Leveaux, dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, explains the universal appeal of the event, eloquently. “I love coming to ComiCon because it’s my chance to do what I love. I love dressing up. I love comics and games. I love seeing small time artists finally make it big. And best of all, it’s a place to come together. It’s hard to live in a foreign country and not speak the language. But here, we find common ground and can connect with one another. No words needed.”

The price of 3200 per day (advance tickets) may seem steep but then again the US Comic Cons are supposedly twice the price or more. For a full schedule and prices check out, TICKETS Ⅰ TOKYO COMIC CON 2017,